The Green Berets war movie
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The Green Berets war movie

The Green Berets (1968, United States)

Categories: commandos movies helicopter movies infantry movies jungle movies military base movies

The Green Berets

Director: John Wayne, Ray Kellogg

Czas: 140 minut

Laguages: English / Vietnamese

war movies info
2024-04-07 / 1970-01-01

American Green Berets fly to a jungle to help defend the base and if possible kill the Viet Cong general.

Colonel Kirby is appointed to pick the team of Green Beret commandos and take them on a mission in South Vietnam. Their first aim is to build and defend a camp on the remote jungle spot surrounded by Viet Cong and North Vietnamese army. But the second part of the mission is much harder - to go behind the enemy lines and kidnap a North Vietnamese general.

War movie directed by John Wayne and made while the Vietnam War was still on. It is affected by Wayne’s views on war - despite all the protests surrounding the Vietnam War Wayne made it as a praise to American involvement in war and to justify the involvement. And unfortunately it was made really heavy handed - parts of the movie seems like a propaganda flick made by completely brainwashed amateur.

To put politics aside The Green Berets as a war movie has some good parts and some bad parts - it isn’t particularly inventive nor realistic. Simple story made in almost western-like style, filmed in American forests that look nothing like the jungles of South-East Asia.

Our rating


Film value

4 / 10

Realism factor

2 / 5

Adventure factor

3 / 5

Historical accuracy

2 / 5

The Green Berets 1968 war movie

The Green Berets full movie

full movie The Green Berets on DVD

Creators of The Green Berets

John Wayne movies

John Wayne


Ray Kellogg movies

Ray Kellogg


Robin Moore movies

Robin Moore


Cast of The Green Berets

John Wayne movies

John Wayne

as Col. Mike Kirby

Aldo Ray movies aldo-ray

Aldo Ray

as Sgt. Muldoon

Jim Hutton movies jim-hutton

Jim Hutton

as Sgt. Petersen

Raymond St. Jacques movies raymond-st.-jacques

Raymond St. Jacques

as Sgt. Doc McGee

Bruce Cabot movies bruce-cabot

Bruce Cabot

as Col. Morgan

Jack Soo movies jack-soo

Jack Soo

as Col. Cai

George Takei movies george-takei

George Takei

as Capt. Nim

Patrick Wayne movies patrick-wayne

Patrick Wayne

as Lt. Jamison

Luke Askew movies luke-askew

Luke Askew

as Sgt. Provo

Events depicted in The Green Berets

Vietnam War (1955-1975)

The Green Berets full war movie

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