Second Liberian Civil War war movies
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Second Liberian Civil War war movies

Second Liberian Civil War (1999-2003)

After first Liberian Civil War that was destroying the country between 1989 and 1997 Charles Taylor became the president of Liberia, but soon he began to implement the brutal and ruthless methods to keep the power. In 1999 the rebels supported by Liberians United for Reconciliation and Democracy (LURD) and foreign forces (especially Guinea) began revolt in northern part of the country. Violent struggle between rebels and army loyal to government again turned Liberia into chaos, in which civilians were target of attacks of both sides, murders and rapes were just part of the every day hell in Liberia. After rebel forces, that also included the child soldiers (teenagers and even younger), have taken control of capitol city, Monrovia, Charles Taylor have resigned, which ended the civil war. Later Taylor was convicted of 11 war crimes by international tribunal.

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Child soldiers driven by drugs and brutal leaders are roaming through the Liberian cities and villages using their own rules in a reality of civil war, where there are no rules.

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