Crimean War war movies
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Crimean War war movies

Crimean War (1853-1856)

Conflict between the Russian Empire and an alliance of the French Empire, the British Empire, the Ottoman Empire, and the Kingdom of Sardinia. It was one of the wars, where the strategic or tactical wins were less important than the prestige and internal political reasons - Russian Empire needed to prove that they are powerful, Napoleon III of France needed a success to keep power within country, British government was interested in independent Turkey to keep the balance of power on the Mediterranean Sea. Thus once the war was started no one was interested in ending it.

The defeats, including famous (or rather infamous) Charge of the Light Brigade at the Battle of Balaclava, forced the British government to start the peace treaty. Since the prestige was involved it took almost 2 years to finally sign the treaty.

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major battles of Crimean Warwar movies about Crimean WarBritish Crimean War movies

Major battles of Crimean War

Battle of Balaclava war movies

Battle of Balaclava
25 October 1854

Part of the Anglo-French-Turkish campaign to capture the port and fortress of Sevastopol, Russia’s major naval base on the Black Sea. Instead of frontal assault on Sevastopol British forces prepared the siege of the city, but the forces present near Balaclava were insufficient to keep the Russians surrounded. Russian general Liprandi prepared attack on the Ottoman lines and pushed the enemy out ...

War movies about Crimean War

The Charge of the Light Brigade 1968 war movie

The Charge of the Light Brigade 1968

Based on real events of suicidal charge of the British cavalry.

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