1948 Arab-Israeli War war movies
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1948 Arab-Israeli War war movies

1948 Arab-Israeli War (1948-1949)

The conflict in the Middle East that was building since the end of World War 2 - the Israelis were planning to establish their country in the Palestine claiming that this land belonged to them in history. Local Arab countries were strongly against giving away any part of their territory. The 1947 United Nations plan to divide the land between the two sides was welcomed by the Jews, but started the outrage in the Arab countries. Since the number of Israelis in the area was low the Arabs planned to invade the territory as soon as UN forces will move out, but Israelis did spend well the time they were given and gathered weapons and improvised weapons to prepare the defence.

Arab League, formed by the surrounding Arab countries, started the invasion on 15 May 1948 and quickly advanced into recently declared territory of Israel. Israelis had no airforce, navy, tanks nor any anti-tank weapons, so had to improvise and count on capturing the enemy equipment. Outside countries helped the Israel with arms and corridors through which the immigrants could enter Israel and join the war. The heavy fights and siege of Jerusalem put the strain on the Israeli forces since the largest city was cut off from any supplies and they had to find a way to transport food for the civilians.

The fights, temporary trueces and peae negotiations were going on for 9 months. The armistice reached in 1949 ended the war that was in fact win for Israelis, who managed not only to defend the land, but also with time enlarging their military forces (from 30 to 120 thousands) and in the armistice gained additional terrains.

more about 1948 Arab-Israeli War on en.wikipedia.org

major battles of 1948 Arab-Israeli Warwar movies about 1948 Arab-Israeli WarAmerican 1948 Arab-Israeli War movies

Major battles of 1948 Arab-Israeli War

Battle for Jerusalem war movies

Battle for Jerusalem
December 1947

The series of conflicts between militias and armed forces of Israel and Arab Legion. Soon after the British forces were retreated from area the fights started between Arabs and Jews for control over the city, even though the city was suppose to be under the corpus separatum rules (which meant that none of the sides will have the control over city). The fights were going on all through the 1948 ...

War movies about 1948 Arab-Israeli War

Cast a Giant Shadow 1966 war movie

Cast a Giant Shadow 1966

Former US Army colonel accepts the offer to become military advisor and helps the Israelis form their defence against upcoming Arab invasion.

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