Mi-24 Hind war movies

Mi-24 Hind war movies

Mi-24 Hind

Mi-24 Hind

Soviet gunship helicopter designed to give the close support to land forces. Just like American projects from same era the key was to give the assault helicopter maximum protection from small arms while keeping the agility of the project, but in one point Mi-24 was superior to American gunship helicopters - it had the capability of transporting the troops to the battle zone (up to 8 soldiers). The Mi-24 gained most fame (or rather infamy) during the Soviet-Afghan war when they were used against partisans in the mountains of Afghanistan. Mi-24 is still in active service in different countries around the world despite being designed in late 1960s.

more about Mi-24 Hind

9th Company 2005 war movie

9th Company 2005

Based on true events story of Soviet 9th Company 345th Independent Guards Airborne Regiment surrounded on the Hill 3234 by the overwhelming mujahideen forces during Soviet-Afghan War.

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